Kingspoint Crier: November/December 2022

Decorative banner with yellow and red leaves.

Letter from the KP Presidents

Happy Holidays Kingspoint! We hope that you are enjoying the holiday season with all of the festive decorations and seasonal activities that Williamsburg has to offer.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who came out for the Fall Clubhouse Cleanup on November 19th, and many thanks to the Social Committee for organizing the awesome 2022 Halloween Party! Both events were great successes which could not have been achieved without your service and participation!

We have scheduled our annual Luminary Night for Sunday, December 11th from 5-8pm. Order forms will be distributed soon. In the past few years, this activity has served as a fundraiser for Club operations while celebrating the holidays throughout the entire neighborhood.

The Kingspoint Club Annual Stock-holders Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm on January 17th at the Clubhouse. 2022 dues must be paid in full by that time to participate. We will discuss pool contract topics and dues, and vote on the proposed 2023 budget. Each household is encouraged to have a family member attend so that we can have a full turnout. As in previous years, proxy forms will be available if you cannot attend. Forms will be mailed in December. We will also draw names for the 2023 canoe/kayak rack slots at the Annual Stockholders meeting if demand exceeds available slots; these forms will be emailed in December.

Please note the following announcements regarding the pool, upcoming activities, board openings, the boat rack, the clubhouse, memberships, and dues:

Mark your calendars!

1. Luminary Night: Save the date for Kings- point’s Annual Luminary Night on Sunday, December 11th, from 5-8 pm. The rain date will be Monday, December 12th. Order forms that will be due by Sunday, December 4, 2022.

2. The Kingspoint Club Annual Stockholder Meeting: The Kingspoint Club Annual Stockholder Meeting will be held the evening of January 17th, at 7 pm. Put this date on your cal- endar and plan to attend. Our discussion sets priorities for the upcoming year. We will discuss important changes to our pool contract, dues, and address changes to the 2023 budget. When it comes to club operations, we value your ideas, suggestions, thoughts, and concerns. Strong member turn-out is encouraged; we want to hear from you.

The KP Boat Rack: The canoe/kayak racks were extremely popular this year, and we will be doing another lottery for the 2023 calendar year. Lottery Forms will be sent out to all club members and the drawing will take place at the Annual Meeting in January. A reminder that having a boat spot in 2022, does not guarantee you a spot in 2023. All boat spots are based on the lottery system, and you will need to enter the 2023 Lottery. Also, if you have not paid your fees for 2022, you will not be eligible for the lottery. Please contact KP Club Treasurer, Jim Gravgaard, if you need to pay your 2022 boat rack fees. Forms for the boat lottery will be emailed in December.

Clubhouse for Rent! Don’t forget the KP clubhouse is open for business after the long COVID hiatus! Need to host a meeting? A birthday? A baby shower? A graduation? A retirement? A book club? A work function? We want to host your next event! Many members have taken advantage of the 1/2 day free rental, rented again, and passed the word along to friends! It takes money and labor to maintain our lovely clubhouse so rental money is greatly needed and appreciated. Spread the word that our beautiful facility is available for rent and has the best rates in town. Please contact Denise Koch (757-870-0900) or email or for more information or if you would like to rent the Clubhouse.

Resident Memberships: Please make sure your household is up-to-date on your membership.

  1. All members must be in good standing to use the pool the clubhouse, and vote at the annual meeting.

  2. Quarterly paying members should have $0 left on their balance.

  3. The last quarterly payment of $150 was due on October 1, 2022.

  4. Contact the Treasurer, Jim Gravgaard, if you need additional information. ( or

2022 Kingspoint Club Dues: Is your household in good standing for the 2022 season? The last quarterly payment was due on October 1, 2022.

  1. Payments must be paid in full OR on a quarterly schedule: 1/1 –$150, 4/1 –$150, 7/1 –$150, 10/1 –$150

  2. The KP Club accepts cash, checks, and electronic payments.

  3. Make checks payable to Kingspoint Club Inc.

  4. Mail Cash/checks to Kingspoint Club Inc., PO Box 365, Williamsburg, VA 23187

  5. The Treasurer sends electronic invoices to the emails we have on file. Once received, please submit an electronic payment (See below for steps).

    • Electronic invoices are emailed from: KP Club QuickBooks account (from Kingspoint Club, Inc., or

    • Open the Kingspoint Club Electronic Invoice Email and select Review and pay.

    • Select the Edit amount icon to edit the Payment Amount.

    • Enter the amount.

    • Complete the rest of the fields and select Pay.

  6. The Treasurer emailed the final round of electronic invoices on September 30, 2022.

  7. Email or the Treasurer,, if you have questions about the Quickbooks process or you would like to receive a paper invoice in the 2023 season.

Thank you,
Sarah Huber and Kim Lavach,
Co-Presidents, Kingspoint Club

Kingspoint Calendar

December 11th — Annual Luminary Night — 5-8pm at Kingspoint Neighborhood; Rain date: December 12th

January 17th — Kingspoint Club Annual Stockholder Meeting — 7pm at KP Clubhouse

February 15th — Women’s Club Movie & Box Lunch — noon at KP clubhouse

April 10th — Women’s Club Wine Reception — 5pm-7pm at KP clubhouse

Kingspoint Club Board

President — Sarah Huber and Kim Lavach —

Treasurer — Jim Gravgaard —

Secretary — Anna Thomas —

Membership — Gina Flango —

Facilities — Dave Stanhope —

Clubhouse Coordinator — Denise Koch —

Additional Club Contacts

Social Committee Chair — MaryKate Galke —

KP Crier Editor — Saskia Mordijck and Pieter Peers —

The Kingspoint Club, Inc. oversees our community’s recreational property on Northpoint Drive. This waterfront site includes a beautiful clubhouse, neighborhood pool, picnic area, dock, and a children’s play area. The KP Club operates the pool and clubhouse and organizes neighborhood social events for members. Membership in the Club is optional for residents, and includes use of the pool, boat ramp and dock. Members may also rent the clubhouse and pool for social events. Membership is required to attend some Club sponsored social events. Non- residents may also pay annual dues to use the pool and the clubhouse. For more information or to join, contact Gina Flango,

Kingspoint Women’s Club

The Kingspoint Women’s Club next gathering will be a Movie & Box Lunch at the KP Clubhouse on Tuesday, February 15 at 12:00 noon. More information will follow for that event.

The final gathering will be a Wine Reception will all members invited to bring an appetizer for 12. It will be held on Sunday, April 10 at the KP Clubhouse from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.

Facebook Page

Kingspoint neighborhood has its own Facebook page to add info, photos, items for sale, invite neighbors to a last minute movie or bbq, post last minute updates for swim meets, cancellations, etc. This page is a "Closed Group", so you will have to "request" to be added (this prevents just anyone from joining the group and posting spam). But all residents are encouraged to request an invite!

Here is how you do this:

Type in the following URL address: It will say it’s a closed group, and then in the upper right corner, under the photo, you click on ‘JOIN GROUP’. The Admin for the group will approve all KP residents!

Little Dolphins

Looking to connect with other parents in the neighborhood? Consider joining the “Little Dolphins” Facebook page. It’s a network of parents in the neighborhood with kids ranging from babies to teenagers. (Just search for "Little Dolphins Kingspoint" on Facebook). It’s a nice way to meet parents in the neighborhood with similarly aged kids. If you aren’t on Facebook, or if you are having problems joining the group, email Tracy Sohoni,

Leaf Disposal

County residents can drop off leaves free of charge at the Jolly Pond Convenience Center, 1204 Jolly Pond Road, daily between 7am-5pm during these dates: Between Jan. 7-15. Leaves dropped off by residents

will only be accepted in clear bags no larger than lawn or leaf-size (40 gallons or less). Outside of these dates, residents must buy ‘coupons’ to drop off yard waste.

The County will provide one round of curbside leaf collection. Leaves will be picked up in Kingspoint December 9-15. Leaves must be bagged in clear bags and left at the curb by 8 AM on the first day of collection. No other yard debris, such as downfall limbs, will be collected.

Leaf burning isn’t permitted in our area. County staff ask that we all take care to keep leaves out of the drainage culverts, so they don’t end up in our neighborhood lakes. If you have a county-maintained drain around your property, please help to keep it clear of leaves and other debris.

FYI: Feeding Deer Prohibited in JCC Sept. 1- Jan. 4

Effective September 1st it will be illegal to feed deer statewide in Virginia. This coincides with deer hunting season. Feeding deer during hunting season is considered ‘baiting,’ whether the individual feeding them hunts or not. The annual prohibition runs through the first Saturday in January in most of the state, including James City County and the City of Williamsburg.

Problems with feeding deer: “Feeding deer can unnaturally increase deer populations and damage natural habitats, increase the likelihood for disease transmission, increase human-deer conflicts such as deer/vehicle collisions, and diminish the wild nature of deer. Fed deer are often emboldened to seek human foods, leading them into conflict with people. Feeding deer leads to the prolonged crowding of animals in a small area, resulting in more direct animal to animal contact, contamination of feeding sites, and greater risk of disease transmission.” VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries.

Report Wildlife Violations: “It is clear that the negative consequences of feeding deer outweigh the benefits. If anyone sees or suspects someone of illegally feeding deer during this time period ... please report it to DGIF’s Wildlife Crime Line at 1-800-237-5712.”

Kingspoint Neighborhood Association News

It is the season of gratitude for our many blessings as individuals, families, and for our beautiful Kingspoint community. We remember so many friends and neighbors who are no longer living with us in Kingspoint, their friendship over the years and the contributions they made to our community. We are also grateful for new friendships with families who have joined us over the past year. Our community continues to grow and thrive. Best wishes to all for the weeks of celebration ahead.

We are looking forward to the excitement of the holidays in Williamsburg. Soon, our beautiful entrance will be dressed with holiday arrangements and white lights. Yuko Sato will work her floral magic again this year as she creates evergreen arrangements on the Kingspoint sign. We appreciate those families who donate greenery from their yards for the arrangements. David and Wendy Miller will decorate trees and shrubs at our entrance with white lights.

We all enjoy the many light displays and other holiday decorations that neighbors share with us each December. This is ’the season of light’ for many of us, and the comfort we take in candlelight and holiday lights during this darkest time of the year unites us. Our beautiful neighborhood is especially festive at the holidays, thanks to the efforts of so many.

Special thanks to all those who have served on or volunteered to work with our Neighborhood Association Board this past year. We will soon welcome our new Treasurer, Karen Schneider, who is in the process of taking over from current Treasurer, Brandy Belue. We decided to postpone our membership campaign until early spring to give Brandy and Karen a chance to complete the transfer.

Our very talented and generous neighborhood volunteers have repaired signs, installed lighting, blown leaves, watered shrubs, mown grass, pulled weeds, cleaned up fallen trees, painted, picked up trash, pruned, raked, mulched and generally pitched in to help this year. Our community is better for the volunteer efforts of so many generous neighbors.

We are always happy to welcome neighbors who want to work with us on various projects. Please reach out to any Board member if you or a family member can volunteer. We will need some help spreading mulch at the entrance, and we have an ongoing list of neighbors with chainsaws and rakes, willing to help clear fallen trees during and after storms. Please send an email to, if you can help.

We welcome many guests to our community during the holidays. Please ask your guests and visitors to drive cautiously, with an eye out for children, pets, and neighbors out walking. The days have grown very short, and pedestrians may be harder to see. Walkers are encouraged to carry a flashlight and wear bright and reflective clothing at dawn and dusk.

James City County will pick up leaves in our neighborhood one day between December 9 and 15. Leaves must be left at the curb in clear plastic bags before 8:00 AM on December 9. We don’t know which day the truck will come, and they will make only one trip this year. Bulky items, like limbs, won’t be accepted. Residents may also drop off leaves free of charge from Nov. 12 to Jan. 15 at the Jolly Pond Convenience Center, located at 1204 Jolly Pond Road. The Convenience Center is open daily from 7 am to 5 pm Leaves may be in clear plastic bags, or loose in a truck or container, and should be prepared to unload their own leaves.

Used, fresh Christmas trees may be dropped off at any of the County’s Convenience Centers from Jan. 1-31, free of charge during normal operating hours. All tinsel, ornaments, lights and stands must be removed. Trees will be mulched or composted.

You may drop off your own bagged leaves at the Jolly Pond Convenience Center, 1204 Jolly Pond Road, daily between 7 am-5 pm on January 8-16. There is no charge during this week. Leaves dropped off by residents will only be accepted in clear bags no larger than lawn or leaf-size (40 gallons or less).

Many thanks to Ann Hobson, Chris Bonday, Tom Mahone and those working with them as they spruce up our neighborhood entrance and keep the grass cut and shrubs watered throughout the summer.

Please continue to let us know when new neighbors arrive near you. We want to welcome all new neighbors and bring them a current Kingspoint Directory.

Please visit our KPNA website for news and useful community links, regular updates and a link to the digital Crier.

Kingspoint Neighborhood Association

KPNA Board President — Elizabeth McCoy —

Secretary — Kenita Hill —

Treasurer — Brandy Belue / Karen Schneider

Members at Large — Ann Hobson, Harvey Manning, Melody Nichols, David Miller

Publishing in the Crier

If you have an event to share with the Kingspoint community or some news to report that you would like to see posted in the Kingspoint Crier, please send your contributions to before the 20th of the month. The editors reserve the right to refuse and edit any submissions; the editors will not run any articles that overly or covertly target specific demographics or neighbors.

Advertising Policy

The advertising policy for the Kingspoint Crier is as follows: business related ads are $10/ edition for a business card ($100/yr); $25/ edition for quarter page ($260/yr); $50/ edition for half page ($525/yr). We can provide an invoice if necessary. The space will be limited to a rea- sonable size to be determined by the Crier editors and space constraints of each edition; small ads of one, or two sentences, from residents and non-resident club members are free as a community service; non-profit and children’s ads are also free.

Subscribing to the Crier

If you know someone who wants to subscribe to the Crier, please ask them to send an email to We cannot add names to the distribution list unless the request is send from the email address itself. Similarly, if you are receiving the Crier and you would like to unsubscribe, please let us know at

Your Photographs in the KP Crier?

It is always great to see beautiful pictures of our neighborhood. If you want your photos featured in the Kings- point Crier, then please send them to We cannot guarantee that every photograph will be featured, and we reserve the right to crop and rescale the photographs to limit the file size of the Crier.

Neighborhood Ads

Pet Sitting
Available Daily and Holidays, 4 years experience. Yuko Sato phone: 757-634-5447

Pet Sitting
Haley Elton offers dog walking and pet sitting services. Available daily. Contact her managing agent, Norman Elton, at 757-293-8346.

Baby Sitting and Pet Sitting
Carolyn Clinton is available for baby sitting and pet sit- ting. 757-903-7777. Twins John and Catherine Clinton are also available for baby sitting and pet sitting. John also mows lawns. Call their mother Susan Clinton @ 757- 903-7205.

Baby Sitting and Pet sitting/walking
Hello all! My name is Lexi. I am a pet sitter and babysitter who has attended a CPR class and a training course for babysitting. I have lots of experience with animals of all types and breeds. Some other services I offer are watering plants, collecting mail, or taking care of your house while you are out of town. For reasonable rates and more details call or text 757-298-8798

Daily pet visits, walks, overnight in your home.
Experience with dogs, cats, birds, giving medications. Retired teacher. In business since 2016. Lisa Garber. 757-848-8331 or


Kingspoint Crier: January 2023