Kingspoint Crier: October/November 2024

Letter from the KP Presidents

Dear Kingspoint Club Members,

Despite the continuing warm days (perfect for our Club Halloween Party) the changing color of the leaves remind us that winter is right around the corner and preparations for a new Kingspoint Club year have begun.

It is always good to reflect on the past before moving forward. On October 12, our very own Bryn Ghio gave a presentation at the Club, “Reviving A Revival: Modernizing Colonial Revival Homes In Williamsburg, Virginia.” Attendees learned about the unique history of Kingspoint’s architectural design.

On October 23rd, Pernille Carter from Howard Hanna and Ryan Lawrence from Towne Mortgage hosted a neighborhood wide Happy Hour complete with beverages and attractively arranged light appetizers. Over 40 people attended the event where KP Board members and Realtor Pernille Carter discussed the value of the Kingspoint Club to our neighborhood and surrounding community. Pernille’s message was very clear, our neighborhood’s value is inextricably tied to the extensive property owned by the Kingspoint Club. The goal of the event was to help neighbors understand the current state of club membership and to encourage new members to join the Club. Conversations have continued beyond the event with neighbors offering innovative ideas for the future. Please mark January 21, 2025 in your calendar. This will be the Club’s annual meeting for all members and we will address the path towards sustainability.

Capital Campaign for the Dock: If you would like to make a gift to the Capital Campaign for the Dock, we welcome your donations. Gifts may be dropped off to the Treasurer, Catherine Mountjoy at 140 Kingspoint Drive (please call/text 804-814-7600 to let her know) OR they can be mailed to the following address: Kingspoint Club, P.O. Box 365, Williamsburg, VA 23187.

Upcoming Kingspoint Club Board Member Need:  As we look ahead to 2025, the Kingspoint Board will need to fill the Facilities Chair position.  If anyone would like to learn more about this extremely important position, we encourage you to reach out to our current Facilities Chair Dave Stanhope and if interested in filling this position in 2025, please reach out the Kingspoint Board through  Volunteering your time is so important for the health of the KP Club and we are so appreciative of those who step up to fill these very important roles.

Stay Up to Date on Social Events:  Visit the social calendar on the Kingspoint Club website. (Thanks Kathy Williams!)  Some upcoming events include:

Membership Dues: Thank you to members who have already paid their dues. Annual dues are $700.  If you pay dues quarterly, the 4th quarter dues were due on October 1.  You can use this link to pay third quarter (or past) dues. You can also send your dues via a check made out to the Kingspoint Club, Inc., P.O. Box 365, Williamsburg, VA 23187.  If you don’t know your outstanding balance, please email Catherine Mountjoy at

Membership Committee Update:  An easy way to help maintain the character of our neighborhood is to belong to the Kingspoint Club. The club is much more than the pool. The Club owns/maintains the clubhouse, the pool, the deck surrounding the clubhouse, the playground, the park, the sports field, the dock and boat launch, and boat facilities (kayak/canoe storage for an extra fee). Share this form with a neighbor who is thinking about joining, or email our Membership Chair Melissa Reeves at to learn more about these wonderful neighborhood amenities.

Clubhouse News:  If you have a graduation, birthday, anniversary, baby shower, book club, work party, or other special event, please make a plan to book your rental today! Please contact Tara Peters at

Clubhouse rental rates in 2024:

  • KP Resident Club Member:  $50 rental / 1x per calendar year

  • KP Resident Club Member: $150 half day (4 hrs.) /$200 full day (8 hrs.)

  • Non-KP Resident Club Member:  $350 half day (4 hrs.)/ $550 whole day (8 hrs.)

  • Non-Club Members: $400 half day (4 hrs)/ $600 whole day (8 hrs.)

  • Recurring rentals for KP Club members:  $25 per hour / 6 mo. contract

Kingspoint Club Website: Be sure to check it out. You can now find everything Club related, including current and past Criers, on the website. Let’s take a fun trip down memory lane. Please share any photos that you have of activities, members, and the natural beauty of the pool, the clubhouse, the green, and the dock with ( We would love to highlight the wealth of incredible Club memories we have created through the years.

Thank You,
Scott Lerberg & Kathyrn Haines
Co-Presidents, Kingspoint Club

Kingspoint Calendar

November 23: Family Fishing Derby

December 7: Ornament/Movie Marathon

Check out the events section of the Kingspoint website for more details.

Kingspoint Club Board

President — Scott Lerberg and Kathyrn Haines

Treasurer — Catherine Mountjoy

Secretary — Matt Blinn

Membership — Melissa Reeves

Facilities — Dave Stanhope

Clubhouse Coordinator — Tara Peters

Additional Club Contacts

Social Committee Chair — Kathy Williams

Landscape Director — Nancy McDonald

KP Crier Editors — Margaret Pizer and Dave Parrish

The Kingspoint Club, Inc. oversees our community’s recreational property on Northpoint Drive. This waterfront site includes a beautiful clubhouse, neighborhood pool, picnic area, dock, and a children’s play area. The KP Club operates the pool and clubhouse and organizes neighborhood social events for members. Membership in the Club is optional for residents, and includes use of the pool, boat ramp and dock. Members may also rent the clubhouse and pool for social events. Membership is required to attend some Club sponsored social events. Non- residents may also pay annual dues to use the pool and the clubhouse. For more information or to join, contact

Kingspoint Neighborhood Association October News

As we enter the season of celebration, thanksgiving, and abundance we all have a great deal to celebrate and appreciate here in Kingspoint.  It has been yet another good year in our community.  Many hands make light work, and we all appreciate the work of the many volunteers who keep the community humming.  The thoughtfulness and dedication that Kingspoint neighbors show to one another and to our neighborhood ensures that Kingspoint remains vibrant, caring, and beautiful.

Kingspoint neighbors are setting the mood for autumn and Halloween with such creative displays this year! If you have not yet had a chance to walk around our neighborhood and enjoy all the decorations, please take time to walk or drive through the community soon.  There are lighted displays, pumpkins and cobwebs, skeletons and ghosties, spots of bright flowers, and festive fun on every street.

Now that days are growing shorter, please take extra care to make sure you are visible when you are out walking, jogging, or biking so there are no close calls with drivers.  Lights and reflective clothing will help ensure your safety and alleviate stressful moments for folks heading out in the morning or coming home at dusk.

Your KPNA volunteers are trying to help make walking and biking through Kingspoint safer by posting new ‘Please Slow Down’ signs in strategic places and by replacing the vintage mid-1960s speed limit sign at the corner of Northpoint Drive and Kingspoint Drive.  We hope that the brighter sign will attract more attention as visitors head towards the Clubhouse or further into the community.  

A neighbor reports that he found a highly invasive hammerhead worm under a log in his yard in recent days.  The mucus on these worms contains a neurotoxin which can be harmful to pets.  If you find one, don’t cut it into pieces, as each piece can regenerate.  Instead, wear gloves and place the worm in a plastic bag, with some salt to kill it, and dispose of it in your garbage.  The link above is to a Virginia Tech site with more information about this Asian species of worm that is showing up in Eastern Virginia.

Autumn is perhaps the best season of the year to enjoy time outdoors, especially for those of us who enjoy spotting wildlife.  Please bookmark the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources website for easy reference should unusual wildlife turn up in your yard. This website aids in identifying animals and understanding their behavior.  It also clarifies state laws concerning certain wildlife species. Cornwells Wildlife Control (757.264.6369) will safely remove a variety of animals from your property and will help you close openings in your home to keep wildlife out of doors.

Please remember that it is illegal to feed deer between September 1 and early January because it is hunting season. Feeding them now is considered ‘baiting’ the deer.  Many types of animals are on the move as they prepare to migrate or hibernate.  Bears, and other animals, are attracted to many different food sources, including bird feeders, garbage cans, grills, and fruit bearing shrubs. Yes, bears sometimes wander into Kingspoint. It is amazing how keen an animal’s sense of smell can be, especially when they are searching for food.

This is also the perfect time of year to plant trees, shrubs, bulbs and perennials.  Planting in the fall allows plants to get a good start on growing new roots before next summer’s heat.   We will distribute heirloom daffodil bulbs to those neighbors who requested them in early November.  Spring blooming bulbs can be planted anytime now through early January.

James City County plans to give native trees to homeowners who request them.  Residents can sign up now to receive up to five seedling trees in the spring.  Our neighborhood was completely wooded before it was developed, and we can regain that woodland character by replacing trees lost over the years.  Learn more about our native indigenous trees here, where they are listed and described by their mature height.  You’ll find a wide variety of garden articles and other useful information on the Master Gardener websiteApplications for the new class of Master Gardeners opens on November 1, 2024.

Please extend a warm hand of friendship to the Enzor family, Robert and Courtney and their three children and three pets, as they settle into their new home at 103 Overlook Drive.  Please also welcome Ann and Carl Martin who have just moved into their new home at 142 Kingspoint Drive.  Ann and Karl are returning to Kingspoint after living in Wisconsin for the past 26 years.  Please make a note of our new neighbors in your Directory.

If you are new to the community, or have a new family living near you, please let us know at so we can visit with a copy of the Kingspoint Directory and include them in the 2025 listings.  And please contact KPNA Secretary Kenita Hill at to make sure you are listed in the neighborhood directory, and with any changes or updates to your listing.

Many thanks to all of our dedicated front entrance volunteers for their work.  David Miller is coordinating our efforts to keep the neighborhood entrance well-maintained.  Chris Bonday is continuing his ongoing efforts to keep the grass neatly trimmed and trash removed. If you are willing to join our crew of volunteers to help with maintenance chores at the entrance, please get in touch with David Miller.

Contact us at to add your email to our distribution list, to change your email, or to have your email address removed so you no longer receive community updates.

Please visit our KPNA website for news and useful community links.

FYI:  Options for Autumn Leaf Clean-up

It is that time of year when leaves float on every strong breeze, covering our walks and driveway just hours after we last cleaned them.  The many different species of trees in our community almost guarantee that we will have a long season of managing fallen leaves.  We have several options for what to do with them all.

Nature designed leaves to trap carbon, nitrogen and other elements and compounds in the air during the summer, allowing these nutrients to return to the soil as leaves decompose during the winter.  It is an elegant recycling operation to build the soil and naturally fertilize the trees.  Deciduous trees are critically important for filtering and sequestering carbon, carbon monoxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ from the air we breathe, even as they replenish our oxygen supply.

Even if we don’t want to leave downfallen leaves on lawns and flower beds, we can still make use of them by simply chopping them up with the lawn mower or composting them in out of the way areas of our properties.

Whether you have a bagging mower that allows you to gather the chopped leaves and then spread them as mulch, or whether you just leave them where they fall as you mow the grass, leaves can be appreciated as ‘free fertilizer.’  Not only do they enrich the soil, but they also protect bare soil from erosion during fall and winter rains.

County residents may drop off leaves free of charge at the Jolly Pond Convenience Center, 1204 Jolly Pond Road, daily between 7 a.m.-5 p.m. during these dates: Nov. 9- and Jan. 12.  Leaves dropped off by residents will only be accepted in clear bags no larger than lawn or leaf-size (40 gallons or less).  Outside of these dates, residents must buy ‘coupons’ to drop off yard waste.

The County will provide one round of curbside leaf collection.  Leaves will be picked up in Kingspoint December 8-14 .  Leaves must be bagged in clear bags and left at the curb by 8 AM on the first day of collection.  No other yard debris, such as downfall limbs, will be collected.

Leaf burning isn’t permitted in our area.  County staff asks that we all keep leaves out of the drainage culverts, so they don’t end up in our neighborhood lakes. It is important to remove fallen leaves and sticks from our ditches and storm drains so they don’t clog them and cause ponding and flooding. If you have a county-maintained drain around your property, please help to keep it clear of leaves and other debris.

Elizabeth McCoy
for the Kingspoint Neighborhood Association Board

Kingspoint Neighborhood Association

KPNA Board President — Elizabeth McCoy —

Secretary — Kenita Hill —

Treasurer — Karen Schneider

Members at Large — Mary Haines, Joseph Bailey, Harvey Manning, and David Miller

Women’s Club News

Three more meetings are planned for the year:

  • Tuesday November 19: Holiday Salad Luncheon

  • Tuesday February 18   TBD

  • Spring Social:  May date TBD

We will be sending more details later.  All women in KP are welcome and we hope you will join us for this excellent opportunity to meet all our wonderful neighborhood women.

Subscribing to the Crier

We are now using the Kingspoint website’s email list management feature to notify subscribers when a new Crier edition is published. If you know someone who wants to get emails when the Crier is published online, please ask them to visit this page and sign up using the form below. You can now also unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe button in any Crier notification email.

If you have trouble using the form and unsubscribe link, please contact and we can make your changes manually.

Your Photos Here?

If you’re tired of seeing photos of the editor’s front yard, you can contribute photos to the Crier by sending them to We cannot guarantee that every photograph will be featured, and we reserve the right to crop and rescale the photos.

Publishing in the Crier

If you have an event to share with the Kingspoint community or some news to report that you would like to see posted in the Kingspoint Crier, please send your contributions to before the 20th of the month. The editors reserve the right to refuse and edit any submissions; the editors will not run any articles that overly or covertly target specific demographics or neighbors.

Facebook Page

Kathy Williams set up a new Kingspoint Facebook group.  Interested neighbors can join the Kingspoint group page. If you have any questions, please direct them to Kathy at:

Little Dolphins

Looking to connect with other parents in the neighborhood? Consider joining the “Little Dolphins” Facebook page. It’s a network of parents in the neighborhood with kids ranging from babies to teenagers. (Just search for "Little Dolphins Kingspoint" on Facebook). It’s a nice way to meet parents in the neighborhood with similarly aged kids. If you aren’t on Facebook, or if you are having problems joining the group, email Tracy Sohoni,

Neighborhood Ads

Pet Sitting: Available Daily and Holidays, 4 years experience. Yuko Sato phone: 757-634-5447

Pet Sitting: Haley Elton offers dog walking and pet sitting services. Available daily. Contact her managing agent, Norman Elton, at 757-293-8346.

Baby Sitting and Pet Sitting: Carolyn Clinton is available for baby sitting and pet sitting. 757-903-7777. Twins John and Catherine Clinton are also available for baby sitting and pet sitting. John also mows lawns. Call their mother Susan Clinton @ 757-903-7205.

Baby Sitting and Pet sitting/walking: Hello all! My name is Lexi. I am a pet sitter and babysitter who has attended a CPR class and a training course for babysitting. I have lots of experience with animals of all types and breeds. Some other services I offer are watering plants, collecting mail, or taking care of your house while you are out of town. For reasonable rates and more details call or text 757-298-8798.

Daily pet visits, walks, overnight in your home: Experience with dogs, cats, birds, giving medications. Retired teacher. In business since 2016. Lisa Garber. 757-848-8331 or

Advertising Policy

The advertising policy for the Kingspoint Crier is as follows: business related ads are $25/ edition or $260/yr. Approximate ad size is displayed in this issue of the Crier. We can provide an invoice if necessary. Small ads of one or two sentences from residents and non-resident club members are free as a community service; non-profit and children’s ads are also free.


Kingspoint Crier: September 2024